Street Lighting

Control and management

Helios allows you to save money and take care of the environment

Street Lighting with Helios

Helios (High Efficiency LIghting Online System) is a comprehensive management lighting system based on radio frequency that can manage any type of lighting installation Its functionality can be configured according to the client's needs.

Remote lighting management

Remotely managing and controlling the street lights from any place with internet connection can reduce the maintenance costs and ease the management

Street light dimming at night

In the late night hours, when there are less people on streets, turning off every third lamp or dimming lights can save up to 40% of annual costs.

Schedules and reports

Notifications, alarms and electricity consumption reports in form of tables and graphs allow successfully city’s street lights monitoring.

Individual lights control

It is possible to control and manage each lamp individually, and receive reports on its functioning and status as well.

Current leakage detection

Current leakage monitoring allows detecting damage in cables.

Fast fault detection

Alerts on changes in voltage or other electricity related problems are received more quickly helping to provide the highest street lighting quality.

Work tracking and inventory

Tracking materials, objects and activities helps to easy and fast carry inventory saving a lot of time.

Determination of lamp burnout

The system immediately notifies the bulb or reactive power compensation capacitor burnout allowing to change it quickly.

Energy accounting

Remotely readable lighting phase, lamp current and energy meter measurements make the job easier and reduce maintenance costs.