Telecommunications and Computer Science engineers
IHMAN is a technology company founded in 2002, whose primary mission is the highly engineered development for business and industry, it is made by a team of Telecommunications and Computer Science engineers who have worked in many different subjects. The IHMAN management team is part of DIANA research group at the University of Málaga.
The company develops two work areas. On the one hand control systems, particularly in monitoring networks and wireless self-configurable where we are specialists on ultra-low-power systems, location and navigation (Indoor) etc, and on the other hand we develop virtual reality, with archaeological reconstruction, stereoscopic vision systems and so on. These technologies together with database management and Internet control allow us to develop many diverse and highly complex projects.
The high level training required to manage and combine these new technologies are very high barriers, but our team exceeded all expectations, These features make IHMAN one of the companies with greater capacity to carry out the entire development process of a complex project. Therefore, many high prestige companies are already trusting their I+D+i to IHMAN.
Our team has been operating since 2000 realizing all kinds of different projects. At first our members were part of the UMA research staff, where we participated in Project Albatros, an European project subsidized with 84,000,000 pts. It's in the completion of this project when the company was founded.
At first IHMAN was Spin-Off, and it's presented in the contest sponsored by Retevisión, getting the 2nd prize of the UMA Spin-Off in 2001. This prize made easier preincubation business facilities with the UMA (University of Málaga).
With the development and creation of new ideas the IHMAN company project is involved in CADE (Centro Andaluz Entrepreneurs). Once launched this venture, our offices were moved to the Málaga Municipal Business Center, then we acquired new facilities located in the Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía PTA, where IHMAN nowdays is developing its business activities
IHMAN is a business reality that works in close collaboration with the Andalucia Research Officer DIANA at the Málaga University.
IHMAN has already been awarded with the second prize Spin-off, the First Prize of the Young Entrepreneurs Association in the province of Malaga (AJE) and the First Prize of the Economists College in Málaga, these awards made us create the base of what is IHMAN today.
Between our customers, EMASA (Málaga's water company), where we have developed a control system based on a wireless self-configurable network, has been awarded by the Prize of the Andalucía Association of water supply and drainage ASA.
The company has obtained several qualifications that include the High Technology Based Innovation Company.Also in recognition of our work, University of Málaga and the Idea Agency of the Ministry of Science and Innovation have granted the company with the CAMPUS qualification.
In 2016 we were the Winners of the INCENSe Open Call, an innovation and high tech award in the European Energy sector.
Our main feature is to be able to solve the problem with a completely revolutionary way, providing the latest generation technologies in the communication, electronics and informatics fields. Our working philosophy are the quality and project realizability deadlines.
The value offered by the company is its experience in integrating these technologies, backed by products already developed and transfer to enterprises, and infrastructure (research group, technical equipment and specialized systems development), allowing you to create innovative products with shorter development times and reduced cost.